Holy Week.
This Holy Week has begun and I am heading into the Silence with many of you in different ways as we walk right alongside Jesus and Mary...
Holy Week.
Lent moving into Holy Week.
Fasting for Lent.
The Lenten season is upon us.
Giving way to the season of Lent.
The body is intelligent.
The Mystery of Incarnation.
Mutual indwelling.
Perfectly imperfect wisdom rhythms.
Wisdom rhythms.
Christmastide and New Year blessing.
Priests of our own lives.
magnifier of God.
"Stay. Sit. Linger. Tarry. Ponder. Wait. Behold. Wonder."
Being a benevolent ancestor.
We are not separate from nature.
On the lookout.
Our human task.
Deeper into the wellspring.
Our deepest center of Being.